Mar 22, 2009

.Operation Love Reunited.

I immediately liked 'S' upon our first phone conversation, we after all, had a kinship of husbands in the service. It was like talking to an old friend, I could put myself in her shoes, I had walked in them before.
She called one day a couple of weeks ago and told me her story. A story of her family and her husband that she missed so very much. Her son was only 6 months when Daddy had to leave and now on the day of his return he would lay his eyes on his 15 month old son. 'S' requested an OpLove session and I was excited to do it for her! I was honored to be asked to record such a wonderfully emotional and special day in their lives.
I knew what it was like to welcome soldiers home, I had done this before-no problem. But this was different....I stood there hiding behind my lens and watched as families and strangers waited in line to welcome and thank our Heroes home. I felt a lump in my throat and then it came...that slight cold sting of a tear drop daring to leap down my cheek. I was proud. Proud of the men and women before me, of the strangers who took time out of their day to welcome these soldiers home, of the Mothers and Fathers, spouses, and children who were so strong while their loved one was overseas..... of the 'L' family who stood in line waiting patiently for Him to finally arrive!
Dear L Family, I want to thank you again for allowing me to share this moment with you, thank you for all that you sacrifice and your service to our beloved America. I will email you soon for your new address so that I can send your album! (:
For more information regarding OpLove sessions, please visit


  1. I love your blog and I keep up with it through a feed to my Yahoo home page. This OpLove entry made me cry. What a wonderful way to show support for our troops and their families. Thank you.

  2. That's so cool that you're doing this! I love checking your blog!

  3. Kelly,

    I am so happy with the pictures you took. I can't wait to get the album and see all the wonderful pictures that you got. My husband and I hope to be able to work with you again in the future. You have brought joy to our homecoming!

  4. Kelly! I just wanted to let you know you're amazing! Your homecoming pics were so sweet. We need more like you in this world! <3 ya!
