Mar 10, 2009

...Coming soon. OpLove Session.

It's been entirely to long since my last post, I know. I know.(possibly I am the only one that knows?) However, I am very excited about an upcoming OpLove session scheduled for this Monday!
If you haven't yet heard of this program you can check it out at
It's a way for photographers to give back to Military families by donating their time and artistic vision(: The photog also sends an album to the family member overseas in hopes to encourage and show a small token of appreciation with images of their own family. The family at home can also opt to schedule a homecoming session which is what we will be doing Monday. Looking forward to meeting the "L" Family and honored they chose me to capture such a precious and emotional time in their lives.

“The departure of our boys to foreign parts with the ever-present possibility that they might never return,
taught the real value of photography to every father and mother.
To many a mother the photograph of her boy in his country's uniform was the one never-failing consolation.”
-Louis Fabian Bachrach
Have a wonderful week!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful way to show your support for our troops! For years to come, they will enjoy the special memories your photographs record. Hope you will post some shots on your blog.
