Hi Friends!
I'm so excited to offer a day of many-mini's! You will receive 20 minutes of camera time and 1 digital negative with a print release(email to friends, print as many as you like, and/or post to your personal blog, facebook, myspace page!) all of this for only $30.oo..I know, I'm crazy...but this will be tons of fun! Also, you decide how you will use your time, are you wanting pictures of just the kids, the entire family, you and your husband, a best friends moment? you decide!
THE BIG DAY: Saturday, February 28th
LOCATION: To be determined by you (I'll take a vote once everyone is scheduled, but we will be in the Fort Worth area)If you have a fun, creative, funky, different location in mind-email me!!!
Time slots currently available are:
Call or email now to schedule!
info@kellygphoto.com*There are no restrictions on how many digital negatives you can purchase from your mini-session, each will be $20 w/print release, if you purchase 10 or more they are $15.00 each!